Limited Edition

Dexter's Dragon Egg

Bath Bomb

Fun, fierce, and raising funds

Dexter's Dragon Egg
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This September, it’s with heavy hearts the Lush family is going gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness month. This year the Constantine family lost seven-year-old Dexter Constantine-Tatchell, our Master of Dragons. He fought fiercely against Rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare childhood cancer that’s lacking awareness as well as a lack of funding for research and treatment. 

To honour Dexter and children like him, ‘Dexter’s Dragon Egg’ will bring a golden shine to every bath.

In a medical world that isn’t doing enough to evolve more suitable treatments for our children, Alice’s Arc honours children and families, by giving them support and platforms to raise awareness and funds. Collaborating to make a change, Lush is supporting the launch of Dexter’s Arc - supporting non-animal tested research into childhood cancer that’s kindly been worked on and evolved by Alice’s Arc.

Dexter, Alice and so many children have lost their lives and futures needlessly because the treatments weren’t available. We will forever treasure them; the golden souls who made lasting impacts in their short lives. 

100% of all sales (minus government tax) will go towards developing humane treatments without compromising humane methods. Read more here.

How to use: 
Release this dragon into your bath water for citrus fizzes before it releases a glittery orange roar.

How to store:
This dragon likes the cool and dark before you want to awaken it in your bathtub. 

Did you know?

For popping candy to get its crackle effect, tiny pieces of hard candy are filled with gas. When this is put in water, the candy dissolves and cracks open, releasing the tiny little carbon dioxide bubble in a sizzling sound!

Fighting animal testing

We have been fighting against animal testing since before we opened our first shop, and the fight continues today. We test products on humans and promote, fund and use human biology relevant testing methods entirely animal and animal-product free. Find out more

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